Flexibilidad, Tolerancia y Adaptabilidad a la pareja: Creación y Validación de sus Medidas265

Published: Mar 11, 2024
psychometry; couple; flexibility; tolerance; adaptability.

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Andrea Bravo Doddoli
Rozzana Sánchez Aragón


The objective of this study was to create and validate a scale for each of these variables. In Study 1 it was validated through exploratory factor analysis where 250 individuals participated, while in Study 2 the confirmatory factor analysis was applied with 284 participants. The results indicate the obtaining of three measures with satisfactory psychometric properties. Include the names of the relevant factors and criteria for each scale. One of the main limitations of the study was that the items were designed for non-monogamous couples. The scales can be used in future research to study the functioning of the couple.


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How to Cite
Bravo Doddoli, A., & Sánchez Aragón, R. (2024). Flexibilidad, Tolerancia y Adaptabilidad a la pareja: Creación y Validación de sus Medidas. Revista Del Centro De Investigación De La Universidad La Salle, 16(61), 19–56. https://doi.org/10.26457/recein.v16i61.3261


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