Training processes and environmental management: a contribution to education for sustainable development742

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Publicado: ago 21, 2023
Palabras clave:
teacher training, social representations, environmental thinking

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José Luis Aparicio López
Trinidad Esmeralda Vilchis Pérez
Esperanza Terrón Amigón
Columba Rodríguez Alviso
Hilda Janet Arellano Wences
Benjamín Castillo Elías


The objective of this research was to assess the effects of a training process on environmental thinking of teachers at a private university. We worked with the methodology of social representations, mixed approach, in a sample of 20 teachers. Data were analyzed using frequency tables and graphs, content analysis and natural semantic networks. The results show that teachers share reduced, anthropocentric-technical and globalizing social representations. The representation field focuses on nature, its care and administration. This research has implications for teaching; it demonstrated the importance of developing training processes for an adequate approach to environmental and sustainability issues in a teaching team. A limitation of the research was found in the contingency conditions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The study concludes that updating processes on environmental issues are a resource to enrich teachers' ideas and arouse their interest in education for sustainable development.


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Cómo citar
Aparicio López, J. L., Vilchis Pérez, T. E., Amigón, E. T., Rodríguez Alviso, C., Arellano Wences, H. J., & Elías, B. C. (2023). Training processes and environmental management: a contribution to education for sustainable development. Revista Del Centro De Investigación De La Universidad La Salle, 15(60), 179–208.
Biografía del autor/a

Trinidad Esmeralda Vilchis Pérez, Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero

Doctorate´s student in Environmental Sciences at the Autonomous University of Guerrero, Master in Educational Quality and Bachelor in Education with Specialty in Natural Sciences. She has worked in the educational field since 2000 as a teacher and Academic Coordinator of Secondary and High school in different institutions. She has been an advisor and coordinator of research projects in events that promote scientific dissemination. Its lines of research developed: Environmental Knowledge and Education for Sustainable Development, Social Representations and Environmental Management

Esperanza Terrón Amigón, National Pedagogical University, México

PhD in Pedagogy by the National Autonomous University of Mexico (NAUM), professor/researcher Titular "C", of the National Pedagogical University (NPU), assigned to the AA2 Diversity and Interculturality, works environmental education since 1990. She coordinated the redesign of the curriculum and the Specialization in Environmental Education (NPU) program, active from 1995 to 2002. In 2004 she coordinated the design of the curriculum plan for the Line of Specialization in Environmental Education that is part of the master’s degree in Educational Development (NPU); she is currently a titular professor of this program, professor in Pedagogy as well as the Pedagogical Education and Innovation of the bachelor’s degree. Her research interests focus on environmental education, training, and educational practice, in the social representations of climate change in university students, teachers and children. Most recent research project "Complexity and environmental pedagogy, keys to integrative teaching and learning on anthropogenic climate change in primary school

Columba Rodríguez Alviso, Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero

Columba Rodríguez Alviso

Research Professor of the PhD in Environmental Sciences of the Autonomous University of Guerrero (AUGro). PhD in Geography from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (NAUM); with postdoctoral studies in Human Sciences from the University of Zulia, Venezuela. She is a leader in the Sustainability and Innovative Education Academic body (consolidated). She works on the topics of Environmental Education for Sustainability and Environmental Geography. She currently directs 4 doctoral and one master's thesis. She has made academic stays in universities in Mexico, Colombia, and Spain. She has participated in 17 articles, in four book chapters and in 3 books. She has participated in national and international congresses in Mexico, Spain, Colombia, and Ecuador.

Hilda Janet Arellano Wences, Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero

Bachelor´s degree in Psychology and PhD in Environmental Sciences from the Autonomous University of Guerrero. Full-time Professor-Researcher at the Sciences Center for Regional Development of the Autonomous University of Guerrero. Desirable profile PRODEP from 2017 to date, member of the state register of researchers in the Council of Science, Technology and Innovation of the State of Guerrero since 2018. Member of the Academic Body AUGro-29 Environment and Development, where she works in the line of research Management and Administration of Natural Resources for a Sustainable Regional Development. Specialized in environmental management issues, socio-environmental perception studies and regional development.

Benjamín Castillo Elías, Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero

Research Professor at the Autonomous University of Guerrero (Mexico). PhD in Environmental Sciences and Master in Regional Development from the Autonomous University of Guerrero. Bachelor’s Degree in biology from the Juarez University of the state of Durango. Member of the National System of Researchers (NSR) of CONACyT. He has participated in national and international congresses with scientific works in his area. He is the author and co-author of articles in arbitration and indexed journals, and of research book chapters. Over the last 10 years, he has carried out different research works in the areas of Natural Resource Management, Biodiversity and Sustainability, mainly mangrove ecosystems. Lines of research: Environment, Sustainability and Ecosystem Management.


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