
All figures associated with the manuscript must contain three elements: files of each figure, labels of figure in the manuscript, and in-text citations.


Figure files

The file format can be TIFF or JPG. The maximum dimension of a figure is 15x19 cm with a resolution of 300-600 DPI (pixels per inch). The text inside the figures is recommended to be using an Arial or Times type font with a size of 10-12 points. The file size can not be larger than 10 MB. All files must be named in numerical order with the following format: Fig1.tiff, Fig2.tiff, and so on.


Captions of figure

Place all the figure labels in order of appearance immediately after the paragraph where the figure was cited. Do not include the captions in the figure files. The figure captions are composed of three elements (label, title and description) and should start with the number of the figure followed by the title of the figure. The title should be concise and descriptive. The font of the figure caption should be Times to 10 points. Example: "Figure 1. Juvenile unemployment vs. general unemployment".



In-text citations

Within the manuscript the figures should be cited as: Figure 1, Figure 2A, Figure 2B and so on.



All the tables associated to the manuscript must be included in editable format using the tools of the text editor. We will not accept tables as an image.


Captions of table

Place all the captions in order of appearance immediately after the paragraph where the table was cited. The captions are composed of three elements (Label, title and description) and should start with the number of the table followed by the title of the table. The title should be concise and descriptive. The font of the captions should be Times at 10 points. The description and table footers should go below the table. The table must be formed only by 3 horizontal lines, the upper one, the lower one and one that separates the header of the data. Each column must have a title in the header that describes the data.



In-text Citations

Within the manuscript the tables should be cited as: Table 1, Table 2, Table 3 and so on.