The platonic innatism under the light of the leibnizian virtual innatism




Plato, Leibniz, innatism, mathematics, senses


As can be read in the Nouveaux Essais, Leibniz proclaimed himself a follower
of Plato. He thought that, in order to appreciate the validity of the results reached
by Plato, the Platonic reminiscence should be interpreted leaving aside
the Platonic theory of the pre-existence of the soul. Taking Leibnizian innatism
and the Leibnizian critique of Platonic innatism as points of support,
this essay analyzes the three Platonic dialogues that deal with the theme of
reminiscence, in order to extract the current results of Plato’s innatist theory.
The myths about the reminiscence of Plato, the relationship between mathematical
knowledge and innateness, as well as the role of the senses in the apperception
of innate knowledge are explored.


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How to Cite

Loreto de Vázquez, H. A. (2023). The platonic innatism under the light of the leibnizian virtual innatism. Español, 140(140), 123–139.


