Practicing theory and theorizing practice: political philosophy and the approach to precariousness




Precariusness, labor rights, political philosophy, political action, social movement


The purpose of this work is to thematize precariousness with the tools that
political philosophy offers. We will seek to balance conceptual horizons with
political practices to think democratic action in our context. Our reasoning
comprises four premises. First, that the false dilemma between theory and practice allows us to explore a relationship of creative tension to conceptualize
precariousness. Second, that the theoretic construct of precariousness is
a result of ideas and concepts, and also of institutions and discourses which
shape the life of those who experience it. Third, that the different uses of the
concept of precariousness allow us to recognize a common source of violation
of rights that is related with the setup of labor under the neoliberal order.
Fourth, that a link between the plebeian and the precarious allows us to
think renewed democratic practices.


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How to Cite

Martínez Michel, O., & Hernández Sánchez, M. A. (2023). Practicing theory and theorizing practice: political philosophy and the approach to precariousness. Español, 141(141), 37–62.



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