Idealism and Romanticism in the face of the problem of liberty




German cultural Revolution, causality, apperception, genius


The purpose of this paper is to provide a historical-philosophical perspective of
Idealism and Romanticism. In this research, the strategy we follow is analyzing these German intellectual movements from the problem of incorporating freedom into the structure of human subjectivity, a typical trait of philosophical Modernity. Idealism and Romanticism emerge in Germany thanks to the influence exerted by the free spirit of the French Revolution. This German cultural revolution took place with the Jena Circle, a group which brought together many of the most influential intellectuals in the history of philosophy and literature. Immanuel Kant’s ideas —specifically, the issues about apperception


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How to Cite

Laguna, R., & Sánchez Arrieta, M. A. (2023). Idealism and Romanticism in the face of the problem of liberty. Español, 140(140), 9–36.



Dossier: 250 years of Hegel, Hölderlin and Beethoven

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