The world of labor in Mexico in a Neoliberal context

  • Karen Estrada Nava


The Neoliberal context has precarious the labor context in Mexico. The unemployment rate decreased from 7.5% in 1973 to 3.6% in 2017, however, temporary jobs predominate. In addition, the minimum wage decreased case 30% between 1940 and 2018, and only one third of the employed population has access to health institutions. An economic policy based on history, mentality, needs and the country environment could be a possibility to face the current imbalances of the labor market. Definitely, a greater participation of the government in the indicated economic activities is needed to guarantee a better functioning of the labor world in Mexico.

Cómo citar
Estrada Nava, K. (2020). The world of labor in Mexico in a Neoliberal context. Revista Internacional De Salarios Dignos, 2(3), 84-92. Recuperado a partir de