Archives - Page 4
Post-Covid Employment and Wages
Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021)The pandemic crisis has been altering key economic variables, such as the unemployment and inflation rates. In this paper, an analysis of minimum wage projections for 2022 is conducted based on unemployment, inflation and minimum wage levels, according to INEGI.
Cove Image:
Hombre y Bicicleta
Author: Luis Barrón -
Panorama Laboral en México: la recuperación asimétrica
Vol. 3 No. 01 (2021)This issue presents the results of the Post-pandemic Mexican Labor Market Outlook that, although they show that employment is recovering faster than expected, it is doing so in an asymmetric way, showing a reality that was already present before: Mexico north and south.
Top Image: Bolsas, artesanías y Cubrebocas
Author: José Emiliano Guzmán Cruz