Gender wage gap in Mexico: evidence from ENIGH 2016


  • Karla Simoni González Hernández
  • Marco Antonio Méndez Salazar


The National Household Income and Expenditure Survey (ENIGH) 2016 is used to analyze the conditional distribution of wages, particularly by gender, grouped by labor income deciles. Statistical evidence is found that wage rates for men are higher than for women, considering full-time workers. It is also shown that the estimated gender pay gap changes for different wage rate deciles, a change that is associated with differences in the marginal effects of work experience on the wage rate. Additionally, the inequity of opportunities suffered by women to access better working conditions is analyzed. Finally, returns to schooling are studied, which turn out to be higher for the female gender.



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Biografía del autor/a

Karla Simoni González Hernández

Bachelor of Economics from the Universidad Veracruzana. Master's student in Corporate Finance at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Enlace Administrativo de Programas Interinstitucionales, Administración General de Servicios al Contribuyente, Sistema de Administración Tributaria, Ciudad de México.

Marco Antonio Méndez Salazar

Full-time professor at the Faculty of Economics of the Universidad Veracruzana: Avenida Xalapa s/n, casi esquina Av. Manuel Ávila Camacho, Col. Obrero Campesina, 91020, Xalapa, Veracruz, México. Teléfono: 2288421700, extensión 14278. Correo electrónico:



Cómo citar

González Hernández, K. S., & Méndez Salazar, M. A. (2022). Gender wage gap in Mexico: evidence from ENIGH 2016. Revista Internacional De Salarios Dignos, 4(2), 69–98. Recuperado a partir de