"incorrect feminism". The 8M of 2020 in the speech of Andrés Manuel López Obrador





This document analyzes Mexico’s president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s discursive strategies, to refer to the feminist mobilizations of March 8th, 2020 (8M). We find that, by comparison to the political immanent power of the 8M protests, the presidency’s discourses suggest the image of an “incorrect feminism”, associated with political conservatism and supported by the idea of an alleged inability of women to articulate an autonomous political position. We also identified the presence of holdovers of a patriarchal democracy in presidential speeches, centered in a notion of citizenship which turns to be “masculine and exclusive”. Analyzing these discourses is an act of imperative urgency for the democratic life of the country, as it reveals the existence of imaginaries about feminisms that contribute to rendering invisible the demands for justice, freedom and the right to a life worthy for Mexican women.


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How to Cite

Bolaños Ruiz, Y. B., & Sánchez García, C. E. (2022). "incorrect feminism". The 8M of 2020 in the speech of Andrés Manuel López Obrador. Español, 139(139), 101–118. https://doi.org/10.26457/lrf.v139i139.3350



Dossier. Democracy in Latin America: Crisis, challenges, opportunities