Policies of resistence and the acompañamiento otro in the face of violence against women





This paper reviews violence against women and femicide in Mexico, and a type of policy that is conceived from this type of violence. Firstly, we present the analysis tools that will be used in this work and we outline what violence against women is, and its most extreme form, femicide. Secondly, an idea of politics is presented that allows developing a critique of the different types of violence and the cruelty with which feminized bodies are treated and finally an other accompaniment is presented as a type of resistance politics that allows women and girls to face these types of violence against them. In the last part, the voices or testimonies of some women who have organized (or not) to accompany other women will be incorporated.


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How to Cite

Virto Martínez, M. C., & Reynoso de la Paz, M. (2022). Policies of resistence and the acompañamiento otro in the face of violence against women. Español, 139(139), 87–99. https://doi.org/10.26457/lrf.v139i139.3349



Dossier. Democracy in Latin America: Crisis, challenges, opportunities