El demiurgo en el Timeo de Platón


  • Úrsula Carrión Caravedo Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú


Abstract The difficulties of the platonic dialogue Timeo have generated different explanations about many of the subjects disscused there; among them, the demiurge’s role. According to the most common interpretation, the responsible agent of generation has the intelligible world as a model of the universe. In this text, we refuse this traditional interpretation and intend to show that the demiurge is not ontologically different to the Ideas, but rather inherent in them. To pursue this purpose, we first explain what the demiurgic role in general involve, focusing in particular on the the philosophical one. Then, we discuss why the cosmos demiurge —unlike the philosopher— doesn’t contemplate an external model, but an inherent one. Finally, we emphasize the allegorical nature of the dialogue, that allows us to understand why, despite the identification between demiurge and model, Plato distinguishes them in his dialogue.


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How to Cite

Carrión Caravedo, Úrsula. (2012). El demiurgo en el Timeo de Platón. Español, 40(120), 105–124. Retrieved from https://revistasinvestigacion.lasalle.mx/index.php/LOGOS/article/view/2587


