Towards a critique of historical reason: Kant´s philoaophizing history
In this paper (i) is developed a critique to the Kant’s historical-philosophical discourse, with the aim of showing its conditions of possibility, that serves to form a hermeneutical model; the model then (ii) is used to make comprehensible the philosophical history of the philosophy that is presented in What real progress has metaphysics made in Germany since the time of Leibniz and Wolff?, showing the way in which the conditions operate there and constitute a narrative that justifies the different perspectives from which the history is presented; from this, (iii) I offer an interpretation of the history taking the model as a starting point, pointing out its viability; in the final stage, (iv) the history is linked to Kant’s transcendental philosophy, thus legitimating the model and showing the way in which the history serves as the horizon of the critical project.
Metaphysics; History; Reason; Teleology; Discourse.