Analysis of training programs popularity in a public financial institution


  • Mayra Alcázar Universidad La Salle, México



Globalization has created the necessity for every company to improve their ways of working and to have the best employees available on the market. Nowadays, the company’s most important value is their intellectual capital. In this sense, it is the company’s responsibility to improve their employees’ job skills as it is known that training is vital for developing employees’ competences, which leads to faster company growth. However, it is very important to provide training programs that fully satisfy employees’ needs. The main objective of this article is to investigate relationship that exists between competencies training programs, their popularity and their effectiveness. Moreover, secondary objective is to observe whether differences regarding employees’ gender exist. For this purpose, responses from 425 employees from a public financial institution were analyzed. The results reveal that females are more satisfied developing communication skills, whereas males rather prefer to develop leadership and writing skills. The results also show that there is no correlation between the performance improvements and the course preferences.


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Cómo citar

Alcázar, M. (2019). Analysis of training programs popularity in a public financial institution. Memorias Del Concurso Lasallista De Investigación, Desarrollo E innovación, 6(1), SAD 13–18.



Ciencias Sociales, Administrativas y Derecho